We have trained 13 groups of youths in all administrative sectors of the Ngororero district, which means one group in each sector. They have been trained on Introduction on Entrepreneurship and financial literacy. After then; each group has initiated a collective small business generating the income. The total members of 13 groups are 390 youths.
Children with disability
81 children living with albinism under school age are receiving school materials and skincare products; 5 among them have graduated from high school in recent years.
Domestic violence and sexual abuse
150 women survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuses have been identified, and joined together according their neighborhood, 10 among them started small businesses generating incomes and got a support of 500,000 Frw each, the target is strengthening those women so that they can live independently.
Women with disability
4 groups of women with disability counting 100 members have been trained on project elaboration, monitoring and evaluation and each group received a seeding capital as a start of their project with income generation
A pipeline serving more than 7000 people in rural areas plus 2 schools and 1 health center has been rehabilitated in Sovu and Kavumu administrative sectors.
During COVID-19 period, we distributed food, facemasks and other hygienic material to 120 poor women every month for a period of 12 months. Means 1440 families headed by poor women have been served in a period of one year.
Women empowerment
60 women affected and infected by HIV AIDS, who are in agriculture have been trained on bio-intensive agriculture, goat seeds, and sheep to provide them organic femur.