Water, sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) promotion

Water is life!

We cannot not speak about water without talking about Hygiene and sanitation; all these terms are taken in the same package. You cannot be sure that you are supporting someone getting out of vulnerable life, without considering an issue of clean water, hygiene and sanitation especially in rural communities. So, what we do is to make sure that our beneficiaries have access to adequate WASH infrastructures like clean water, improved latrines and get frequently education to hygiene.
From 17 -29, May 2022; IDA Rwanda hosted two teams from Engineers without Borders (EWB USA); the first team was from EWB USA/Texas A&M University Chapter, and the second team was from EWB USA/ Purdue University chapter.

The purpose of the two teams is to increase WASH infrastructures in rural communities of the countries in partnership with IDA Rwanda, Local communities and Local administration.
The Texas A&M University team came for launching the implementation of the project of constructing 300 composting latrines in the Matyazo Sector of Ngororero District in the Western Province of Rwanda.

The Purdue University team came for the feasibility assessment of the construction of a water pipeline which will serve the community of Rubona in the Jali Sector, Gasabo District, one of the rural areas of Kigali City.
