A. Disability and minority right advocacy
People with disabilities have been taken as they are not able for everything, this discrimination has been affected a great number of them; in our sub program called “I am able”; people with disability are educated on their rights; we empower them economically by financing their projects with income generation. We ensure the inclusive education of children with disabilities. 12 groups of women with disabilities have been trained on project management, and each group got a seed capital for starting a small project with income generation.
B. Promotion of gender equality
Gender equality has been misunderstood, especially in rural areas; we educate community members; the meaning of gender equality and how it must be applied in our communities. We also empower women economically so that they should be able to contribute to the development of their families.
C. Fighting against domestic violence and sexual abuse
Domestic violence and sexual abuses look like pandemic in nowadays. We work with domestic violence survivors, healing them; share testimonies with fellows and help them getting access to justice. We carry out community outreach, awareness campaigns and discuss with different governmental organs the best way to eradicate this pandemic. We carry out sensitizations in different schools with students and teachers for purpose of working against domestic violence and sexual abuses from the roots. Survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuses are helped to speak out about what happen to them as one of the most cure from the trauma.
We are strengthening their economic capacity in order to help them getting out of the dependent life and build their bright future with their children.